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Who We Are & What We Stand ForUpdated 4 months ago

Here at, we are passionate about quality, craftsmanship, and tradition. These three values are the pillars of our what we strive to uphold and represent. We believe investing in these areas will impact one's life in an immensely powerful and positive way. 

A Return to Quality

We are currently undergoing a "rebound to quality," where well-dressed men and women are rebelling against the mass consumerism of the throwaway culture, and instead seeking out few items of a higher quality.

By investing in quality, we surround ourselves with fewer items of a higher quality that develop meaning and relationships with us the more we wear them.

About the relationship with the artisan also...

Kirby Allison believes that investing in quality will not only benefit your pocketbook in the long run, it will also positively affect a person’s daily experience.

The Hanger Project Story

The inspiration for creating a line of luxury hangers stemmed from Kirby Allison’s original career path as an investment banker. While working at his first job out of college, he commonly heard the complaint that there wasn’t a product on the market to fill the need for luxury suit hangers. Kirby and a group of other interested parties collaborated on StyleForum to design and place the first order of luxury hangers, aptly dubbed “The Hanger Project”. The first order was so well received that there was a second and third order placed to meet the demand.

After seeing how popular the hangers were, Kirby realized the opportunity in creating a product to fill the hole in the market. Thus in 2007, Kirby Allison’s Hanger Project was born. Years later, the company has expanded beyond its original product and created a women’s line of hangers, along with hundreds of other luxury accessories.

Discovering Quality, Craftsmanship, and Tradition

Kirby Allison is dedicated to helping the well-dressed acquire and care for their wardrobes while discovering the world of quality, craftsmanship, and tradition. Our fundamental philosophy is that less is more and that the thoughtful investment in quality articles of clothing can yield a lifetime of enjoyment.

Dressing well, taking care of one's clothing, and shining one's shoes are not about looking fancy or dandyism. It is about taking ourselves seriously and putting our best feet forward as we go out into the world to do meaningful work.

Kirby Allison shares his passion for quality, craftsmanship, and tradition on our YouTube Channel, where we publish daily shoeshine tutorials and documentaries on some of the world's leading and most passionate artisans!

It All Started with a Better Luxury Suit Hanger

Through collaboration with renowned tailors, dandies, and men of style, Kirby Allison created the world's first collection of luxury wooden hangers. No longer did the well-dressed live frustrated at closets plagued by cheap wooden or plastic hangers. No longer did garments limp through life from one cheap hanger to another.

Stop ruining great clothes with cheap hangers. Kirby Allison has created the new standard in Luxury Wooden Hangers. Attentively designed to eliminate dimpling and collapsed shoulders, these luxury wooden hangers transform closets into sanctuaries and double the life of wardrobes.

The Best Shoe Polish in the World

In addition to the largest collection of luxury garment care accessories in the world, Kirby Allison also features the largest assortment of Saphir Shoe Polish available on the internet! Our Wellington Shoe Care Accessories and Saphir Shoe Polish, combined with our extensive library of shoe shine videos, can help even the inexperienced take exceptional care of their shoes.

Based in Dallas, Texas

Although Kirby Allison travels the world to source product and film videos, we are based here in Dallas, Texas. Our warehouse is open to the public. Feel free to stop by anytime to pick up an order, chat with Kirby Allison, or ask any shoe care questions.

Expert Shoe Care Advice

Our trained team of shoe care experts are here to answer all of your shoe care related questions. Available through email, over the phone, or even in person for those located in Dallas, we love to help the well-dressed take care of their wardrobes!

Extensive YouTube Tutorials

Our YouTube Channel,, features the world's largest collection of shoe care tutorials, garment care tutorials, and other documentary videos exploring the world of quality, craftsmanship, and tradition.

All the Quality That Matters. None that Doesn't!

Our collection of Kirby Allison Sovereign Grade clothing accessories seeks out and presents understated craftsmanship of the highest quality, reflecting the quiet excellence sought out by sovereigns in time's past.

Don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-800-495-3201. Our normal business hours are Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CST. If you call and we do not answer, please either send an email to [email protected] or leave a message.

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